Precious metals, especially silver (argentum) and gold (aurum), determined the fate of the human race since the monkey descended from the trees and began to work on the foundations of civilization. Wars were waged, kings were overturned and nations slaughtered for the rare and valuable elements, created in the heart of a dying star, before they were cast out by the explosion of a supernova to be bedded in the cradle of the earths crust, so that armies could perish, empires fall and brother turn on brother to seize what we call gold and silver. Overdramatic? Maybe. But it is the truth. That is the way how the basic elements heavier than iron came into existence – and it is also the truth about the way humanity dealt with precious metals ever since: The search for Eldorado (and the accompanying annihilation of the Inka empire), the California Gold Rush (and the accompanying annihilation of the local native Americans, victims of the California Genocide), the betrayal of Jesus Christ for 30 silver pieces (and the accompanying annihilation of the…. literal saviour of humanity and son of God) and, still ongoing, the victims of the fight over gold reserves in Sudan are only four examples for the importance of these metals and the willingness of humans to sacrifice lifes for them.
“Get gold, humanely if you can. But all hazards, GET GOLD!” – King Ferdinand of Spain to his explorers, 14th Century
Politician Kwasi Kwarteng suggested, that we can not underestimate the importance of gold when we try to assess the development oh humanity and its civilizations in his book “War and Gold: A Five-Hundred-Year History of Empires, Adventures and Debt”, placing “(…) gold – the need for it, the search for it and the value of having it – at the centre of global history.” ( – The Guardian). Sure, nowadays we tend to kill each other for oil – but even that substance gets called “the black gold”, which makes clear how strong the connection between this term and something very valuable really is. “Gold” has become synonymous with extraordinarily valuable things.
The value of gold, which is of course mainly based on its rarity, is deeply engraved in the collective conciousness of mankind and even popculture: Smaug protects his lair, consisting of mountains of gold – “Gold” is the “premium currency” in more or less any “free to play” game out there – and, as everyone knows, the medal you win, coming in first place in any competition is a golden one, while the second place gets the one in silver. There are countless examples of the symbolic value of gold, used to transfer special features we connect to these elements unto other things. Gold and silver, precious metals, express many perceived attributes, like rarity, exclusivity, value, durability, exceptionality, supremacy and might – which is why we have to talk about them in terms of bimbofication, don’t you think?
Okay, I guess you all know how valuable gold and silver are, and how real “the ecstasy of gold” is and ever was. But today we are not actually speaking about the elements gold and silver, we are going to talk about the “perceived colors” gold and silver instead. You might already have guessed that, because this is a PBA Bimbo Color Theory article (a new one, after a long, long time…) and yes – there WILL be an article about gold and silver in terms of jewelry in the distant future, but not today. “But Pink, why the whole poppycock about precious metals and stuff if this is not even about those things?” – Good question. This is a special case in which the perceived characteristics and attributes of an actual “thing” (the metals) are transferred unto the perceived colors which even got their names from these elements. Think about it: No other color has that. There is not that one white thing in the world we connect to the color white. There is no pink element called “Bimbonium” – THE pink material we associate with the color pink. So, this alone makes the colors gold and silver very special (and directly related to the elements) – although it is not the only aspect that makes them special: They are not even real colors to begin with.
If you think about gold and silver as a color, you have a distinct picture right before your inner eye. But what exactly are you seeing there? Is it truly a color, or is it again, the element? It can not be the color “gold” or “silver” you are seeing with your inner eye – because there aren’t any true colors like that. What you are thinking of to visualize these “colors” are additional properties of the precious metals: Reflectivity, specularity and conductivity – in combination with the true colors “golden yellow” (“A” – see picture above) and “silver grey” (“E” – see picture above). “Golden yellow” is nothing but a warm, dark, brownish yellow, and “silver grey” is nothing more than a cool grey. This is why in heraldry (a topic we will talk about in terms of bimbofication very soon), the precious metals gold and silver are represented by the colors yellow and white. The magic happens when you add the beforementioned properties of the corresponding elements to these colors. This is what makes the difference. Without these special characteristics, silver is just grey and gold is just yellow – but adding the very individual features of specularity and the very special way these elements reflect light you get what we mean by speaking of “gold” (“B” – see picture above) and “silver” (“F” – see picture above). But why is this special? Well, if you look at a glossy plastic surface, lets say… a blue, reflective, glossy plastic sphere, you will notice, that it does reflect its surroundings on its smooth, glossy, spherical shape – but there is a difference if you would compare it to what you see when you place it next to a sphere made of gold. The direct reflection of the light (the “specularity” – or highlights) on the plastic sphere are white (given that we use white light to illuminate the objects), while the highlights on the golden sphere are tinted…well… golden. You can try it yourself, by shining white light on different objects made of… whatever, as long as it is not a metal – the highlights will always be white. Conductive materials – metals, however will always tint the direct light they reflect, according to their element. This is a key difference regarding metals and non-metals, and the reason why we perceive the color golden as something different and special. So, what do we take from this? Easy: We regard precious metal colors as special colors because we take their special properties into account, which are reflectivity, conductivity and specularity – all taken from the original elements – as well as the perceived characteristics like rarity, value, purity, luxury, etc. So let us finally come to the question why this is bimbo relevant and what the “colors” silver and gold actually do for a bimbo.
In terms of bimbofication, gold and silver are equal, which is why we don’t have separate articles about both elements. Sure – gold is usually regarded as more valuable than silver, but it really doesn’t make a huge different when we talk about the colors. Does that mean that there are NO differences for bimbos? Hmmm… not quite – and we will talk about that in the end of this article, but for now, think of both metals as equal, because both share the same values and attributes more or less:
Like we already discovered, we associate properties like rarity, high value, purity and exceptionality with both colors and we think about luxury, wealth, power and exclusivity. In a certain sense, all these attributes also apply for bimbos. Bimbos are rare – they are the most precious and worthy of all females – the “precious metals” of women, if you want. The process of bimbofication is costly, as most of you know, so a bimbo is very much a “luxury object” – and she does not only look like one – she also rightfully expects to have a certain amount of luxury, no matter if we are talking about a certain quality of living, or expensive high heels, purses, designer dresses, constant beauty treatments and other things we could call luxury. Gold is a symbol for “the best”, it is the color of kings and gods – and bimbos ARE “the best”, the queens and goddesses of femininity – so bimbos and precious metals are an obvious dream team – they belong together. But apart from that, gold and silver are regarded by all females as desirable, which is not only understandable, but even scientifically proven:
“Diamonds might be a woman’s best friend, but gold is the answer to her never-ending thirst. (…) Science has a logical explanation to this. During a study conducted to understand the real reason behind women wearing gold jewellery, it was concluded that because women were believed to be weaker than men, in terms of physical strength, and hence gold was advised to be attached to their body, to give them the required sustenance.The study explained that the growing age of women resulted in loss of physical strength, and childbirth resulted in weak bones. So, our ancestors devised a solution to this problem. They made women wear gold and silver jewellery, so that they would benefit from these metals, and wearing them regularly would help their bones be stronger.” – SpeakingTree (Mygoldguide.in – “Wearing gold jewellery is scientifically important for women”)
Ahhhh…well… okay…? I guess…? We shouldn’t argue with science – but let’s be honest here, there are better explanations than that for women to wear gold and silver: To look amazing!
“The first and foremost reason why women love jewellery is that it makes them look amazing. Unique jewellery combined with a great dress makes anyone ready to be the centre of any party. This is especially true for gold jewellery. The more gold a woman has on her, the more it draws attention to her. However, note that not all women like wearing heavy jewellery covering their bodies. Some like to wear light jewellery like a pendant, bracelet, or so. But no matter whether one likes to put on a gold bracelet for womenor a heavy necklace inlaid with diamonds, it’s all done to ensure that they look beautiful and perfect.” – Why Women Love Gold Jewellery? (Cluebees.com)
Of course this is about jewelry again, but the effect is the same: Silver and gold just look AMAZING on a sexy girl – and especially on a bimbo. No matter if we are talking about golden/silver high heels, dresses, skirts, jewelry, accessories or make up and so on and so on – the sparkling, shiny, glittering appeal of these “colors” (or a “close-enough-imitation” – especially if we are talking about cloth and fabric) SCREAMS for attention, turns heads and draws all eyes – EXACTLY like a bimbo should do. These colors revalue a bimbo, and express the extraordinare status she has among “normal” girls. She is a princess – a queen – a goddess, and such a doll dresses in colors that do justice to this special status. These colors let her look more nobly, classy, luxurious and therefore more desirable, sexy and beautiful. Did I mention that these colors let her appear more feminine as well? Well it’s true! Men are usually regarded as pragmatic and “down to earth”, without a great desire for decorating themselves, while we think of the need to showcase, stand out and attract attention as something very feminine. This is nothing bad – quite the contrary and there are even more things that these precious metal colors do for a bimbo: Gold and silver are representative for the bright, blond hair color of a true bimbo! Both elements merge with each other and result in an even brighter, much more interesting and beautiful look. This “glow up” bimbos get from silver and gold, is not only benefitial for beautiful, long, blonde hair – it also benefits the whole appeal overall! The light reflecting characteristics of these two colors bathe the bimbo in either golden or silvery light, illuminating her skin, her face and her body in the best way possible – a silvery or golden “aura” if you want. Silver and gold do that for a bimbo – equally well, but are they really “the same” in terms of bimbofication? No – like I already said, there are differences, so let us talk about those. Don’t get me wrong, ALL bimbos and gimbos may wear gold AND/OR silver – it is ALWAYS benefitial to all dolls, but both precious metals benefit some bimbos more than other ones:
Of course, there is more than just one gold tone (usually, the standard is “yellow gold” (“A” – See above)), like for example “white gold” (“C” – See above) or “rose gold” (“D” – See above), and every tone has a stronger tendency towards another color of the visible spectrum, which results in different, visual harmonics with the skin tone of a bimbo – and that is what we are going to talk about here: Skin tones. Don’t get me wrong, of course, any bimbo with any skin color can wear all different tones of gold or silver – but there will always be one particular tone that harmonizes with your skin in a special, most benefitial way. Although we didn’t speak about the need for bimbos to have a fairly strong tan in detail – yet (this will be a multiple parts series on its own), but we hinted at this in different parts of the bimbo make up series (here, here and here), I use this opportunity to make it very clear: A bimbo has to have a nice, sun kissed, tanned skin, enhanced by tanning products (bronzer, body glow and blur)! Gold looks exceptionality great on darker, warmer skin tones and tanned skin overall and connects extremely well with blonde hair (which is again, one more reason for bimbos to be blondes!), but you can optimize your look even more by taking your complete skin tone into account: If you have a pinkish tint to your skin, best avoid rose gold (because it would enhance a “reddish” impression) and instead go for yellow gold or white gold. If your skin is more olive, neutral or even cool – you might want to go for rose gold or yellow gold, in order to counteract the “cooler” undertone of your skin. No matter what, a warm and tanned skin can make use of any gold tone, which is only one more reason why you should go after this bimbo-ideal skin appeal. The topic of different skin tones and the ideal bimbo skin will be dealt with in another, future PBA series, as well as the techniques for identifying your own skin tone, but for now, you should know enough to determine the ideal precious metal for your skin.
Of course, like gold, silver can be worn by any bimbo, no matter what skin type she has, but again, special skin types benefit differently from different metal-colors. Gold doesn’t look as fantastic on pale or untanned skin as it does on warm, dark and tanned skin, which is why I would always adivse untanned bimbos and especially pale gimbos to wear silver instead – at least as long as they haven’t achieved a suitable bimbo tan. Bimbos with tanned skin, or warmer, dark skin have no restrictions and are able to profit from silver and gold likewise.
However, no matter what precious metal color you are wearing, there is one rule you absolutely have to respect: NEVER mix metals or tones! If you are wearing gold – DO NOT mix it with silver! If you are wearing silver – do NOT bring gold into the mix! If you are wearing yellow gold, do not combine it with rose gold! These are only some examples, but I am sure you understand what I mean. This rule is crucial and can never be broken!
How to combine and when to wear
So, lets say you are a good bimbo, with a heavily tanned skin and you want to come up with an eyecatching, attention drawing, sexy, bimbo suitable outfit for the evening. You already decided to wear a short, tight, glittering golden dress – so what else can you bring into the mix, with what other colors can you mix this? Now comes the downer for you – precious metal colors don’t really mix with any other color – not even with other metals, like we just discovered. The usual exceptions: White and black, which can be combined with EVERYTHING else, like we already discovered in the respective articles. So, your choices are pretty limited: Either you go for a style that completely follows the precious metal color you chose, from head to toe – or you can combine that with black and or white – nothing else is possible. The next question would be: WHEN to wear precious metal colors and how? Following the basic rule for bimbos to “always dress to impress”, it is NEVER wrong to go for an attention grabbing, head turning look – so a bimbo is always able to wear a glittering, sparkling golden dress, even for the most trivial, boring occasion, but surely there are circumstances in which this is even more appropriate for a bimbo girl. Well, there are basically two different choices for a bimbo regarding the colors silver and gold: “Princess” or “whore”. Both ways are equally bimbo suitable and benefitial, it just depends on the general appeal you want to have and the occasion for which you are styling. The “princess” way aims at a high-class, elegant but sexy, classy and dainty goal: Elaborate robes made of glittering, golden, metallic sequins, high heeled, golden stiletto sandals, golden designer purses, exquisite, costly, golden jewelry (same metal tone!) – you know the deal. This is the perfect style to turn heads on events like upper class dinner parties, cocktail parties or in luxury clubs, on the pooldeck of a 5 stars hotel or at some kind of gala. The “whore approach” uses the attention grabbing nature of precious metals to achieve another look. Imagine a stripper with golden nipple pasties, golden stripper heels and a cheap, glittering, golden skirt with the length of a belt, made of stretch fabric and a fitting top that barely covers her tits. What a cheap look? Yes – this is exactly what we are going for! Unlike the “princess strategy”, where the precious metal colors support the elaborate, luxurious appeal, the whore approach works, because it makes use of contrasts. Contrasts are a powerful tool – which is why we will talk about them in the next PBA Bimbo color theory article, even on a meta level, like in our example here, where the contrast consists of the difference between the expected “high value” of precious metals and the “cheap appeal” of a truly, “whorish” style. This approach ist of course perfectly suited for parties, clubs, strip performances, sex and other less “formal events”.
No matter what approach you are going with and no matter what kind of precious metal color you are chossing or for what eventuality – remember that these colors are meant to valorize YOU! Every color has certain aspects and enhances certain properties of a bimbo, like we already discovered: Pink enhances the girly, bimboish, feminine and cute appeal – similar to the color white, which also lets you appear more innocent and pure, contrary to black, which increases the wicked, mysterious nature of a bimbo, or red, which evokes feelings of sex, the red light district, sin, lust and desire – but gold and silver are solely there to VALORIZE you, as a bimbo! It is jewelry to dress in! Gold and silver transfer the properties we talked about in the beginning unto the bimbo doll and let her appear more costly, elegant, elaborate, luxurious or precious – no matter if she is a whore or a princess. The bimbo BECOMES the object of value! I am sure, every bimbo recognises the suitability in terms of bimbofication and also recognises the benefits – so make sure to make use of these factors whenever possible! Precious metals, especially gold (!) are EXTREMELY bimbo suitable and every bimbo should have multiple outfits, fashion pieces (dresses, skirts, tops, high heels, purses, make up, etc.) and accessories at hand in the most benefitial precious metal color for her skin tone, so she is always able to make use of not only both approaches (“whore” and “princess”) but also of the bimbo suitability of precious metals in general. What are you waiting for?
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