The PBA Guide to Bimbo Makeup – 17. Foundation / Makeup / Concealer / Primer / Powder

Half of the PBA make up series lies now behind us, as well as the parts about aspects and most of the lessons. We continue with having a look at different tools and items that are extremely important to achieve the perfect bimbo make up – and we begin with maybe one of the MOST important things in these regards: Foundation, makeup, concealer, primer and powder. What do these things have in common? Well, they all deal with the skin of a bimbo and letting it appear as smooth, pristine and perfect as possible.

Please make sure you read the connected articles beforehand:

1. Introduction to bimbo makeup theory

2. The 5 basic rules for bimbo makeup

3. Covering

4. Contouring

5. Fake tan with makeup

11. Skin

This article will conclude the topic of make up and bimbo skin, so make sure you understand everything about it and internalize all rules and techniques! Do not skip a step – do not break a rule – do not tone it down!

1. Primer

As the name implies – primer primes your skin for all further enhancements with make up! After you cleaned, scrubbed , peeled and moisturized your skin, applying primer is the next step! Use a product that harmonises with your skin and provides it with antioxidants, healthy ingredients and moisture. Apart from that, the goal of a primer is to improve the coverage of all further added products and lengthen the amount of time cosmetics last on the face – so make sure you use the best product available. There are different primers for all areas of your face, like foundation primers, eyelid primers, lip primers, mascara primers, etc. – always use the necessary product on the intended areas!

2. Foundation

Foundation is, again – as the name implies, the foundation of any further enhancement with make up (apart from powder to get rid of possible oily shimmer of your skin, primer, moisturizer and cleaning products). It is available in liquid or powder form (though bimbos should use the liquid version) and is applied to create an even, uniform color and appeal to the skin, by covering up flaws and blemishes. In addition, it is possible to change the skin tone. Foundation can and should be used not only on the face, but on the whole body to cover up all sorts of imperfections and flaws! In order to follow the bimbo make up rules, every bimbo needs to apply foundation with the following aspects in mind:

a) Color and shade

Like we discovered before, bimbos have to have a healthy, sun kissed, flawless skin. This means, you have to chose a foundation that supports this impression! Pick a product that corresponds to your skin type and tone (“warm”, “neutral”, “olive” or “cool” and make sure the tint and shade are matching!) and go down or up (depending on your skin) to make your skin appears as close as possible to the desired result.

b) Coverage

The most important bimbo make up rules DEMAND a perfect, flawless, pristine and poreless skin! This does not only mean, that you have to cover up all imperfections, freckles and blemishes – you have to apply the product in a completely covering, thick layer that makes all your pores absolutely invisible! The coverage of foundations is classified into four different levels: “Sheer”, “light”, “medium” and “full”. The ONLY option for a bimbo is to wear always “full” coverage, meaning very opaque and with a product that contains AT LEAST 35% pigment up to 50%!

3. Concealer

Concealer is similar to foundation but thicker. It is available in liquid form, as cream, sticks and pencils. Use it to cover your face even more, let it appear as smooth, even and pristine as possible, by covering up all pores, blemishes and flaws! Make sure to blend everything together! Concealer is important for four things in the make up routine of every bimbo:

a) Creating full coverage

Following the rules of bimbo make up, concealer should be used to create that “fake, artificial” mask-like look! Apply the product in great amounts to achieve this pristine, smooth, heavy layer that covers your face, letting it appear like the face of a doll!

b) Scultping your face – contouring

Concealer in combination with bronzer, rouge and high-lighter is used to sculpt your face by contouring! Try to come as close to the perfect bimbo face shape as possible!

c) Baking

In combination with powder, concealer is used to “bake” the face. Every bimbo make up routine has to include this step!

d) Hiding all further imperfections

All imperfections you didn’t manage to cover up with foundation, should be covered up with concealer! No scars, pores, imperfections, flaws, blemishes or freckles may remain!

4. Make up

This includes the use of all further products to enhance the look of the skin of a bimbo! Rouge, blusher, bronzer, glow, blur and other, further concealing and enhancing products have to be used to let the skin and your face appear as perfect and bimbo suitable as possible!

5. Powder

There are different types of powder (loose, pressed, mineral, translucent, HD and finishing), and all of these types have a place in the bimbo make up routine. Powder (translucent) can be used to get rid of the oily shimmer of your skin before the rest of the make up is applied, it can be used to “bake your face” in combination with concealer, for contouring and for finishing and sealing the complete make up in the end, before setting spray is applied. However, there is one crucial thing you have to pay attention to: Make sure the powder is NOT visible in the end! What this means is, powder tends to lie on the skin like a thin layer of dust or form little crumbs – which destroys the pristine, smooth and perfect look of your skin again! This is not acceptable and has to be avoided! Your skin has to be absolutely smooth and plain in the end – without powder dust or crumbs!

If you read the beforementioned articles, rules and lessons, you should now know how bimbos use these things to achieve a perfect, flawless, pristine, doll-like, bimbo suitable skin appeal! Apart from that: Practice, practice, practice! Watch some tutorial videos on Youtube about all these elements and steps – and never stop improving! ALWAYS include all these things into your daily make up routine! NEVER be lazy – always strive for bimbo perfection! Remember: A flawless, perfect, doll-like skin, especially in her face, is one of the most important key features of bimbo beauty for a bimbo and should have the highest priority! This concludes the PBA make up series part about make up and skin – and we will continue with the next feature soon!

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