After over 100 lesson papers for bimbos here at the Pink Bimbo Academy, with most of them dealing with rules for the visual appearance of bimbos, you might have come to a distinct conclusion: Many of these rules aim at letting a bimbo appear like a perfect, ultra feminine, sexy, hypothetic character from a porn movie – and you would not be wrong with this assumption. Undoubtably this doesn’t come as a surprise: The classic porn movies were targeted at a male audience, which means, that the depicted female characters correspond to the hypothetical ideals of femininity and sex appeal men have thinking of women. This representation of perfect femininity and sex appeal was the most important aspect and the predominant selling point of these media products, with a “realistic” rendition of females of secondary importance at most. And why should it be different? If we assume that porn does offer an “alternative reality” to men – a fantasy males can experience for a brief time – why should this imagination deal with uninteresting or downright interfering elements? If this is what men truly want and how they like to imagine females – why should there be bothering aspects that violate an otherwise “perfect” depiction of women and girls? So, yes of course all these characters always wear sky high heels, keep them always on, wear stockings all the time, skirts and dresses instead of pants, elaborate make up – and of course they have huge tits!
There are many reasons for each of these elements to be as they are – and I always try to deliver you objective, scientific reasons for all of this, but the fact that most of these bimbo rules are congruent with so many emergences in porn moves are no coincidence, although both things don’t rely on each other! Let us register this in three easy do understand, but important to remember facts:
1. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc!?
Correlation does not imply causation! Just because many of the PBA rules for bimbos are congruent with many of the elements you see in porn, doesn’t mean these things rely on each other! However, what it DOES tell you, is that these things are in place for the same reasons, a priori! →
2. Quod esset demonstrandum!?
All of these elements in porn, as well as all of the PBA rules for bimbos are there for a reason! The same reasons, as we already stated. These reasons always underlie factual observations, empirical studies and experiences or logical assumption one can make, depending on the issue, no matter what aspect we are talking about: There are objective reasons why bimbos should always wear high heels and never flat shoes, there are reasons why men love huge, enhanced tits, there are reasons why bimbos should wear heavy make up – and of course these are the same reasons why characters in porn movies often comply with these „rules“, independently from the PBA rules! I always try to explain this in great detail to you, because I believe it is important for a bimbo to KNOW and understand WHY things are as they are and how everything works. No matter what, all of these things combined result in one definite fact →
3. E pluribus unum!?
ALL of these elements combined, when all rules are respected, result in a perfect, hypothetical female! Female characters in porn productions resemble what men would imagine to be the perfect girl. This is fair to assume, because we already stated, that these character depictions are there for the male recipient, who would naturally strive for the “best possible option he can get” (because this lies in human nature) and that there is no need to take “elements based on reality” into account for this fantasy-experience. As you all know, becoming “the perfect bimbo doll” is not only THE definite goal of the PBA teachings, and should be the final goal of every girl and every bimbo – it also means to achieve “bimbo perfection” which also means “perfect hyper femininity” – the maximum, possible level of female sex appeal, beauty, style, behaviour and radiance! We can draw this conclusion from these steps: The PBA creates a set of rules that lead to bimbo perfection – the final goal, when everything is combined, and – female characters in porn do resemble the vague vision of “perfect females” men have, which often (or even most of the time) corresponds with the PBA teachings.
Okay, so now that we’ve got that sorted out, let me ask you one question:
Why should it stop with the visual appeal, and why shouldn’t the same regularity and logic be applicable for female behaviour?
Why not? Let that sink in… But I am very sure you won’t be able to come up with an answer to that, apart from “I don’t see any reason why the same logic wouldn’t be applicable to that” – because, EXACTLY: There is no reason to assume that there is a difference to be found at all! So, if we want to formulate this realization in one simple, easy to remember and easy to understand memorandum, it would sound like this:
“A bimbo should always act and behave like a character in a porn movie!“
– which is our rule for today. As you can see, we managed to make the step from visual appeal of bimbos, to the bimbo mindset – a topic we already tackled before, but will dive deeper in over the next time. This is quite a provocative statement, but stick with me through this, after you already followed me through the logical assumptions that led us to this new rule and the underlying thesis. The attentive readers of the PBA will already recognize this as part of the first pillar of bimbofication, named “the Bimbo Mindset” – and more explicitly, the third “sub-pillar” of the bimbo mindset, called “Slut Positivity” (although “porn character behaviour” also includes elements of the first sub-pillar “Femininity Positivity”, for example, “girly behaviour” etc.). Of course, the actions followed by the decisions that are made by the correct bimbo mindset are part of the “Bimbo Behaviour” pillar, which in this case, expresses itself in sexual openess, promiscuity and a playful, “welcoming” attitude. Don’t worry, we will deal with all of these aspects and elements of each pillars and the bimbo mindset in the near future, and also we will talk about concrete details of the so called “porn character behaviour”, but this time, it is all about the broad and general rule as some sort of prelude to the whole topic – just because some upbeat is needed and it is always good to start with a general, easy to remember and easy to understand rule, to which every trainee can always fall back when she is unsure about exact, suitable bimbo behaviour in certain situations. With this statement in mind “a bimbo should always act and behave like a character in a porn movie” you should be able to derive a few, further guiding principles:
1. A character in a porn movie is NOT the same as a pornstar or a porn actor that plays a character!
The rule is phrased absolutely unmistakably! A bimbo is NOT supposed to behave like a pornstar that plays a character! She is supposed to act and behave LIKE the character! A bimbo does not “play” her role as a bimbo – she IS the bimbo in a porn movie! A bimbo with the correct bimbo mindset and the necessary “slut positivity”, will have no difficulties in letting her inner porn character out, which should be the permanent main part of her bimbo persona, that determines her actions and behaviour perpetually. This is not something she switches on and off – it is the enduring, fundamental basis of her conduct and decides how she interacts with the world, her surroundings and other people.
2. Always ask yourself: What would a porn character do?
This is the fundamental and all-dominant question every bimbo should ALWAYS ask herself in any given situation: What would a porn character do? The answer will always be the pivotal and vital basis for all her actions (as long as the answer doesn’t violate any of the PBA rules – which is… unlikely)! At least, every bimbo should ask herself this question in her mind quite deliberately until this behaviour has become her default modus operandi and has therefore sunk in so far that this part of her bimbo persona controls her entire behaviour. This might sound drastical at first, but once a trainee discovers that this is part of her self-liberating and freeing bimbofication, that breaks the chains of imposed and restricting shackles of a foreign, socially constructed moral code, she will be able to regard this as the logical and rightful nature of her feminine mindset. There is no problem, no social hurdle and no situation that can not be mastered with this code of conduct – and it is also fulfilling, confirmatory fun! Easy as that. But before we continue, let me make one thing clear: We are NOT talking about the behaviour of MODERN day porn characters! I can not state this enough: Modern porn characters already suffer from an advanced, perverted, twisted and contaminated picture of femininity! We are talking about female porn characters from the golden era – and the little part that came after that era ended – productions from the 80s to the VERY early 2000s, to be exact. Don’t be that dominant, filthy pseudo-whore from a nowadays production, that participates in brutal and nothing but degrading filth! Instead, do not forget the other sub-pillars of the bimbo mindset and the bimbo behaviour: Be that charming, feminine, girly, slightly naive and lovely bimbo – sometimes “innocent”, sometimes elegant or just coquettish! Most of the female characters in the (really horrible and otherwise not recommendable) comedy movie “Deep in the Valley” (with the title being, of course, a reminiscence of the legendary Russ Meyer movies we already mentioned a lot here on the PBA) are not a bad place to start. Although, an eager trainee always has the possibility to watch those productions from the golden times, with many of the classic rolemodels we talked about here on the Pink Bimbo Academy, playing suitable characters (f.e. Tiffany Million, Wendy Whoppers, Sally Layd, Tiffany Towers, etc.) – VERY recommended!
3. This rule is always in place and should be your guiding principle at all times!
We already stated, that a bimbo doesn’t handle it the way, that she makes use of this mindset when she feels like it and doesn’t do it when she doesn’t feel like it. The art of mastering this part of the bimbo mindset is to ALWAYS feel like it – no matter in what situation you are and who is involved. Until this state is reached, every trainee should very deliberately act on the basis of this rule, even if she doesn’t feel like it. Overcoming these inner obstacles will take some time and make everything easier in the future. I also said, that we will talk about detailed and explicit cases in the future, but the answer that comes to your mind when you ask yourself “what would a porn character do?” will always be the correct guideline for your actions. If you need further inspiration or have no idea what we are talking about here… having a look at some “porn character cliches” is not a bad idea. This is how bimbos act!
Remember: Being a bimbo is not only about the tits, the look, the style or the clothes – it is also about the mindset and the correct behaviour! There can no complete bimbofication without these aspects, and there can not be bimbo perfection without this! This should also be something every trainer should have in mind, especially when he gets home and his trainee rides the postman… (Correct trainer behaviour: Say: “What a good bimbo doll you are” – and join.)
Edit: I added a screenshot of a twitter poll I made some time ago, regarding this idea. As you can see, the absolute VAST majority DOES want this to happen. So, what are you waiting for, girls?
OotSoP code for further teachings regarding this topic: 0001-1-3