The idea for todays bimbo lesson came to me, when I was writing the last but two stylecheck about that impressive, amazingly cute, sweet and girlish bimbo trainee in her wonderful outfit. I wondered: “Okay, what is it, that lets her appear so cute, sweet, innocent and girly?” Yes – that very short, pleated mini skirt does A LOT to create that effect. Of course, the pigtails do underline the whole “schoolgirl impression”. Very good use of the colors white and pink evokes thoughts about “sweet, young and innocent” girls… but there is something else… What is it? Then it came to me: Of course, it is her stance! I analyzed the whole posture and began to investigate and research. The result is todays PBA bimbo lesson about the pigeon-toed stance for bimbos.
The pigeon-toed stance and its effects are nothing new. In fact, many celebrities make use of it all the time:
“The trend was kick-started by Gwyneth Paltrow in 2010, and has since been adopted by a whole host of women — from Hollywood actress Katie Holmes to high-powered human rights barrister Amal Clooney.” – The Dailymail – Why is posing pigeon-toed suddenly in vogue? How A-listers turn their knees in to look younger and thinner in child-like stance taking over the red carpet (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3872996/Why-posing-pigeon-toed-suddenly-vogue-listers-turn-knees-look-younger-thinner-child-like-stance-taking-red-carpet.html)
Body language is an essential part of the third pillar of bimbofication, and its mastery is mandatory in order to be a bimbo or to achieve bimbo perfection. The art of standing for a bimbo is one the most fundamental and most basic ways to express her femininity, elegance and sexappeal, which is why it is so important for every bimbo to absolutely perfect the basic stance for bimbos, which is already one of the most “girlish” and feminine ways for a female to “just be there”. You won’t actually believe the visual difference between a girl having mastered this basic stance, and “just a girl who happens to be standing there in some form”. For an observer, there is a difference like night and day – even if he wouldn’t be able to point his finger at what exactly makes the difference. This difference is produced by the “powerful biological signals” (as the Dailymail calls it) by a certain body language and the visceral, intuitive reception of the observer:
“The reason for this is as depressing as it is fascinating: these A-list women have worked out that a pigeon-toed pose is a quick route to looking thinner, younger, sexier and even more approachable. The pose brings your toes together, making your calf muscles look thinner and more defined, as well as creating or accentuating the appearance of a thigh gap.” – The Dailymail – Why is posing pigeon-toed suddenly in vogue? How A-listers turn their knees in to look younger and thinner in child-like stance taking over the red carpet
Okay – but why does a girl appear younger and sexier, using a stance that is “(…) the sort of stance you’d expect a particularly shy child to adopt.” (- Dailymail)? Well, it is exactly that: A sort of body language we expect from a young, innocent, cute and sweet girl! We already talked about the appeal of these aspects and WHY they are so incredibly important for bimbo girls, namely here, in our article about bimbo schoolgirls and many, many, many times more. Katia Loisel, dating and body language expert and author of “How To Get The Man You Want, How To Get The Woman You Want” came to the same conclusion: “If her knees and feet are turned in, it’s often a sign she’s introverted, insecure (…)” (Mens Health, What You Can Tell by Looking at Her legs) – aspects of a young and innocent girl! As you can see, this stance is extremely powerful, but it comes with a flip side:
“(…) And while some men may find the stance inelegant, subconsciously it panders to the male ego.” – The Dailymail – Why is posing pigeon-toed suddenly in vogue? How A-listers turn their knees in to look younger and thinner in child-like stance taking over the red carpet
We already dealt with the positive, subconscious effects, but here, the downside gets mentioned: This stance can absolutely look “inelegant” or even “awkward”, which is why you should NOT use it as your basic bimbo stance (use the – well – “basic bimbo stance” for that!)! This stance is not only not very comfortable and not very healthy to be performed super-often – it has to be applied in a fitting situation! Apart from the bimbo babygirl archetype, every other girl should make use of it only in situations when she really wants to express that EXTRA dose of either sweet, innocent, cute and girly sexappeal (upper legs closed), or sweet and girlish but also brattish attitude (upper legs open). No matter what, PRACTICE hard, because even the Dailymail knows:
“It takes a lot of practice to perfect faux-innocence” – The Dailymail – Why is posing pigeon-toed suddenly in vogue? How A-listers turn their knees in to look younger and thinner in child-like stance taking over the red carpet
…which is absolutely right. Train and practice the different bimbo stances regularly and often! Try to become a mistress of bimbo body language and perfect the third pillar of bimbofication in order to finally achieve bimbo perfection! Is there something else to say about this technique? Let’s ask the Dailymail again:
“As Camilla Morton, author of Running In High Heels, says: ‘It makes your legs look great and your hips jut out — and don’t shoes look so much better viewed side-on?’” – The Dailymail – Why is posing pigeon-toed suddenly in vogue? How A-listers turn their knees in to look younger and thinner in child-like stance taking over the red carpet
Oh, how right she is…
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