Hello my dear readers and supporters, I hope you are all well and healthy. In these times of isolation and restrictions, it is important to stay positive and make the best of the situation: Stay at home, facetime with your loved ones, make it cozy and remain calm, there will be brighter days coming up. I can not do much for you out there, apart from providing you some content that may give you some distraction from the events happening at the moment and maybe I am able to drive away the boredom for some of you. We can have an online party if you want… “why a party?” you ask? Well, the Pink Bimbo Academy domain has it’s second anniversary! Two years ago, www.pinkbimboacademy.com launched and “left” it’s cradle on tumblr, right in time before the great purge. As we do, it is time to look back, see what we could achieve and what the future holds for us, so buckle up, here are some topics for today:
Crunching numbers

Wow, two years already – and we surely came a long way. However, the PBA thrives and continues to spread its influence in order to propagate the bimbofication ideals and to convert as many girls and women as possible. If we look at some of the numbers, you will see we are on the right track: Since the PBA started here, we already got over 200K visitors, not bad if you ask me – and the average number of visitors each day did increase steadily. I already mentioned in another article, that the PBA influence nearly covers the whole world, apart from a few countries we are still missing (recently, Greenland finally joined), but be assured, I won’t rest until PBA bimbofication dominates this whole, mere blue marble (insert evil laughter here). Of course, the website is the most important core of the whole PBA project, but there are many other propaganda tools we have, which also keep improving in efficiency: I mentioned tumblr before, the place where it all started, and although since the great purge, the PBA tumblr blog remains heavily crippled and growth did slow down immensely, it IS STILL THERE (despite a short time it got deleted by the tumblr staff just recently (because of “muh sexism” or whatever…), but I managed to get it back!), gets updated and heads for 12K followers (about 50 or so missing). Tumblr is still a great tool for me, to chat with the community, get new bimbofication input, answer questions and to spread the bimbo spirit, which still resulted in about 15K visitors over the last year. Perhaps the second most important channel now for the PBA (after the website) is twitter. We recently hit 10K followers and the range of influence is not to be underestimated: On average, we get about 800K tweet-impressions, over 50K profile views and over 300 mentions a month, which results in not only a huge sphere of influence, but also in very good connections with many well known bimbo girls. These connections promise to be benefitial for future PBA content. The PBA subreddit, sadly, still lacking meaningful community interaction and discussions, does continue to grow nevertheless: We are on the verge of getting 3700 subs (about 13K pageviews on average every month)! The tumblr alternative, PBA on BDSMler, also gathers more and more readers: 1900 bimbo lovers and bimbo trainees already decided to click that “follow”-button, something that will become even better, once the customisation tools on that platform become better and allow me to enhance the experience there. The recently introduced PBA instagram also does its part in spreading the bimbofication ideas, something VERY important, regarding how many young girls are on that platform: Nearly 1700 subs and many valuable connections with amazing bimbos and bimbo trainees, which makes this social media channel extremely benefitial for further PBA projects. Is there something left? Well… yes… minds… where we just got 65 followers, but hey, it’s a free speech platform, so I will stick to it (and you should too!)! Overall, we got nearly 30.000 social media connections (of course, many of those will belong to the same users and many of them will be “dead”, but it’s simply theoretic here) which is still not much compared to the “big players”, but it is more than I ever dreamed of when I started this whole project back then. So – we ARE growing, spreading the bimbofication idea further and further, influencing more girls than EVER before – a very welcomed situation – and it will get better and better, but I NEED YOUR HELP FOR THIS!
What you can do: SPREAD THE WORD! Follow me on all my social media channels, retweet, reblog and link the hell out of it! Make sure as MANY girls as possible get introduced to the Pink Bimbo Academy and the ideals of bimbofication! This is the only way we can make sure that more perfect bimbo dolls will appear! Follow me on twitter and retweet, follow me on tumblr and reblog, follow me on reddit, follow me on minds, follow me on instagram, follow me on BDSMler – share the content, tag girls and mention them – They all NEED to learn about the power of bimbofication! Next step: Take it to the real world! Be open about your thoughts (I will explain this later in this article)! Talk about bimbofication with your female friends, colleagues and peers! Give them the url of the Pink Bimbo Academy! Another thing: I will provide you with stickers soon, you can print out yourself on apropriate, adhesive paper! Put them everywhere (as far as it is legal!) – everywhere where it can be expected that girls will see them (although, please: No schools – the girls should at least be 21!): Universities, clubs, sports clubs, gyms – or even somewhere in your neighborhood! Make sure every girl gets to know the benefits and wonders of bimbofication, and maybe soon, you are beneath many aspiring bimbo dolls! DO YOUR PART! We are fighting an underground war for femininity! Why? Well:
More numbers – and rebellion
As you propably know, a few weeks ago, I asked you to participate in the new PBA survey, and MANY of you did! Thank you so much for that – the data really helps, and I hope you are all satisfied with the freeby present after you completed both surveys. I am again absolutely surprised by the sheer amount of girls who visit my site, so let me say this to the ladies here: I am so glad you are here! Nowadays society has become extremely toxic towards the ideals of femininity, and seeing that so many girls are reading my stuff gives me hope. Thank you very much, I hope you like the content here and feel welcomed. This leads me to the most aggravating topic of this article: In that survey, I asked the girls if they are thinking about becoming bimbo dolls – and guess what: Hundreds of girls (over 70%!) said that they would indeed love to become bimbos, but feel that they can’t – not because of money, not because of fear of surgeries – but because of social repercussions! There are HUNDREDS of girls, with the dream of becoming a perfect bimbo doll – but they never will, because OF FEAR! Let that sink in! Our society has evolved into an imprisoning fear mongering monstrosity, demonizing everything feminine and preventing females from becoming what they would like to be! DIVERSITY MY ASS! Nowadays society punishes girls who are proud of their femininity, who want to be beautiful, attractive, sexy and girly! IT IS A SHAME! To everyone reading this: STAND UP! Girls, honor your femininity, be proud of it and embrace the bimbo ideals – you can not let them take that away from you! Men, do express yourself! Support bimbos – and speak your mind when it comes to these things! NEVER be that lying coward, telling everyone around you that you do “prefer natural girls”, that you “don’t care if a girls wears jeans or a sexy miniskirt”! Stand up and tell them that you LOVE huge, enhanced tits, that you LOVE girls wearing high heels! By being a “white knight” you don’t help anyone! HELP THESE girls who are oppressed and can’t become the princesses they want to be! DO – YOUR – PART!
Thank you to my supporters!

I am absolutely overwhelmed by the support I get from you guys – especially from my supporters on Patreon, which is why I just recently posted one more “subscribers only” lesson paper for them, as well as a new bimbo test paper (something very useful for testing your bimbo trainee (make sure she wears an apropriate bimbo school girl uniform while taking the test!)). ATTENTION: The PBA members area got updated! Every PBA supporter should have a look there! By supporting me on Patreon, you give me the opportunity to come up with some more ideas I was thinking about for quite a while – and there is quite a lot of content on the rise! I am constantly trying to expand the PBA project, so be assured, with your support, there will be some pretty awesome stuff in the near future, but what did we already accomplish?
The PBA training videos with official PBA bimbo trainee Jessy Bunny

By now you already saw it: We started producing some bimbo training videos, with the first official PBA bimbo trainee Jessy Bunny, who has huge plans to become a perfect bimbo doll in the future. Her dedication is absolutely amazing and she puts A LOT of effort, energy, time and creativity into these videos, which is why you should absolutely support her, by subscribing to her Youtube channel and by visiting her social media channels (Instagram, twitter, Onlyfans) and don’t forget to drop her some likes and to share her content! You will get to know this young, aspiring bimbo better very soon, when we have a PBA Spotlight with her – so, please come up with some questions you would like to ask her and let me know. Her future PBA training videos will be posted here too, so be ready for that (there will always be a link to the respective PBA lesson Jessy is talking about in the article)!
More bimbo content
Very recently, we had the amazing Austrian Kitty Ink in our PBA Spotlight category, so if you haven’t already read her interview – be sure to do it now, but I’ve got already some other very well known bimbo rolemodels in the pipeline – so expect some more interviews really soon. The PBA make up series continues, as well as the bimbo cosplay series (new part is imminent) and the gimbo styles series, which will be (finally) finished with the upcoming post. So, there will be more content for you soon (as well as special content for my supporters!), which is hopefully welcomed by many of you, regarding these times – but there is even more I want to point you at:
Some time ago I discovered the “Barbie Academy” – a dedicated, Czech website about bimbofication and bimbos. I have to say: I absolutely LOVE what they do there! Okay, one of the reasons why I adore their work so much is, because they pick up the PBA material, translate it and add their own thoughts to it, spreading the bimbofication spirit even further (although I wouldn’t have thought that Czech girls needed these instructions… regarding how amazingly feminine they already are over there… consider yourself lucky, Czechs, your girls are freakin’ AMAZING 😉 ) But that’s not all: The creators of this site come up with their very own stuff, their own rolemodels and articles, and they do a damn good job with that! Go over there, use Google translate (works pretty well for me) to get the whole content in English and you will have some hours filled with premium class bimbo content! This is what I want to see! MORE professional, dedicated, deliberate bimbofication sources, where you can see that much love, creativity and many thoughts went into it! We don’t need another bimbo-macro spamming blog that doesn’t help to spread the IRL bimbofication spirit, but we need more sources like THIS! Please visit the Barbie Academy and show them some love… this is what makes our community great!
Visit the Barbie Academy: https://barbieakademie.wordpress.com/
The near (website) future
I already talked about the content coming up, but there is more: Many times I heard you guys criticize the structure of this website, and how difficult it is to navigate or to find out where to start. I don’t really know how to solve these problems fundamentally, but I will come up with a special “start here!”-site in the future. This will be the new PBA campus, where you get a short, condensed overview of everything, with some illustrations explaining bimbofication and some aspects in a summarized and quick form, providing you with links to the detailed articles and lessons in the correct order. This should make it easier for newbies to get into it – and maybe even veterans will find it easier to find what they are looking for. Next thing: I will open the PBA Discord server to the public again, so, click this link and join: https://discord.gg/3jBKVEv
However, consider this a field test! I will post a direct link permanently on the site, when I can be sure, that everything goes as planned. There are some rules you have to follow, which are basically the same as the rules of the PBA subreddit:
1. No fantasies, no fiction, no made up stories, no morphs, no captations, no hypnosis, no roleplaying, no wannabe-stuff, no fakes, no picture-spamming, no porn, no cybersex! Roleplaying is STRICTLY forbidden! If you want to “act as a bimbo” there, YOU WILL HAVE TO VERIFY YOURSELF!
2. No dedicated sissie content, no crossdresser content, no “in-transition” content, no she-male content! Read the FAQ for this: http://www.pinkbimboacademy.com/faq/#3.1.1. Read the PBA definition of a bimbo in advance!
3. General respect and good behaviour! Respect each other and discuss like decent human beings!
Contraventions will get punished and you will be banned!
In other news…
So, before I return to working on the next PBA content, is there something else? Well… no… If you disregard that bimbo rolemodel and queen Sarah Marie Summer (aka Portia Paris) decided to start a career as a porn actress (Brazzers -_-) and that one of my new favorite bimbo princesses, Haley Layne recently upgraded her tits to 2000cc…. 😉
I wish you all the best – thank you VERY MUCH to my supporters again, stay safe guys and gurls – please stay at home and don’t get sick! Until next time – cya all 🙂 – Pink
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