Bimbo training – “How a bimbo should dress: The Halloween Slut Rule”

*rolleyes* “I’m a mouse…. D’uh?!”

Am I too late again?! Wow… not this year. After I missed Halloween as an opportunity to write about bimbo Halloween costumes three years in a row, finally I managed to be on time. That means – for YOU, there is still time left to get a Halloween costume that respects the rule we are going to talk about today: The Halloween Slut rule:

In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.” – Mean Girls (movie, 2004)

These lines come from Lindsay Lohans Character “Cady Heron” – a “kinda normal girl” (arguably natural bimbo) who is confronted with stereotypical “minor bimbos” at her new school, later meeting up at a Halloweenparty, without anyone telling her about the Halloween slut rule, resulting in her dressing up as “the murdered bride”, a classic horror-themed character, being the only girl witch such a horror-related costume and every other hot girl in a sexy, slutty or tarty costume (like it should be). Before we come to the core of this matter, let us first deal with the question you surely have: “Bimbos shouldn’t wait for Halloween to dress in a slutty way! They should dress like that 365 days a year! Why do they need a special occasion to do so?” – Well, you are right, they don’t. Of course every bimbo should dress in slutty, revealing, feminine and emphasizing ways ALL THE TIME, which is why we have so many bimbo styling rules dealing with these things. These rules apply ALL THE TIME, EVERY SINGLE DAY and so bimbos don’t need an excuse or a special holliday to dress like a total slut. They do it anyways! However, Halloween gives a bimbo the opportunity to take the sexappeal of her styling to a whole new level and wear things she absolutely coudn’t wear any other day. We talked about many bimbo suitable costumes before, but those wouldn’t be really acceptable outside of the bedroom (apart from the bimbo secretary for an office job or the bimbo bride for her wedding) – or would you think a bimbo should dress as a bimbo nurse or Jessica Rabbit just on a regular night out in the club? See? I don’t think so either. Halloween is the perfect opportunity to go out with these stylings and draw all the attention from everyone! Within our series about bimbo cosplay, we will examine MANY different, bimbo suitable costumes, although we already discovered many – but there are indeed some rules we have to pay attention to:

  • ALL regular bimbo styling rules DO STILL APPLY! This means, for example, NO flat shoes, only high heels, NO pants, pantyhoses or trousersONLY stockings, short dresses and skirts, etc.!
  • We haven’t talked about the bimbo cosplay rules yet – this will also happen in one of the next parts of the bimbo cosplay series, but I can give away some important things here: A bimbo is only allowed to cosplay bimbo suitable characters and only to wear bimbo suitable costumes! This means, NO characters or costumes that let her appear, masculine, brutal, aggressive, unfeminine, unsexy (Yes, this DOES include (new) Harley Quinn!), costumes or characters that are unflattering or disadvantageous regarding her femininity, body and sexappeal! This includes weapons, warrior-like-characters or costumes, blood, wounds, torn up clothes etc.! In addition: NO gender swapping is allowed! Due to the respect towards her own femininity a bimbo must never convert a male charater into a “female version” of that character! Vice versa to the respect towards her own femininity, it is only fair to pay respect to the masculine identity of a male character! (PBA-)Bimbofication is strongly connected to strict separations of sexual identities and disregards proclaimed “fluent identities”! Be respectful towards your femininity, be proud of it – and respect the male identitiy – which means in this case: Leave it alone!
  • The Halloween slut rule: Just because it is Halloween, your costume has got to be horror related, right? WRONG! A bimbo MUST NOT choose a horror related costumes! A bimbo chooses her costume in regards of its sexappeal and its femininity! There is NOTHING sexy or feminine about wounds, axe-murderers, zombies, splatter, blood, knives, torn up clothes or stockings, dirt, undead or mentally insane inmates of Arkham! NEVER do this! ALWAYS choose a pristine, bimbo related, sexy, feminine and slutty costume! THIS is the Halloween slutrule!

“I spent months to finish my Silent Hill Nurse costume! Isn’t it great?” – Guess what: NOBODY CARES! Every honest man will tell you, that he couldn’t care less, that all your efforts were in vain, that you look like a disgusting wrapped up bum and that he’d rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear instead of hooking up with you (if he isn’t absolutely desperate or some beta)! If he is absolutely honest, he will tell you, that while you look like a huge turn-off – the bimbo over there, that wears that sexy, stylizied, super short 50s nurse uniform, with pristine, white lace-stockings, shiny, white high heeled pumps and the low neckline, heavy make up and no bra – is the real star of the evening! THOSE are the girls we want to see on Halloween! There is always that envious, pathetic, sad excuse of a girl who brags about Halloween sluts – but let HER be the ridiculous looking horror-idiot who is totally out of place among superior, sexy bimbo dolls, dressed up like total sluts – exactly like Cady Heron who makes a fool of herself by NOT paying attention to the Halloween slut rule! The possibilities are endliess: Dress as Sailor Venus, with an ultra short miniskirt and white panties, orange high heels, revealing Jessica Rabbit (Heidi Klum did this to for her Halloween party, as well as Amy Anderssen and MANY others!) or Hollie Would, a bimbo nun, a bimbo playboy bunny, a bimbo maid, a bimbo schoolgirl, a bimbo bride, a bimbo secretary, Lula from WET – the sexy empire, Bowsette, Princess Peach, Alice in Wonderland, Snowwhite and so on and so on! As I already said, there will be many more examples for bimbo suitable characters and costumes within our bimbo cosplay series. ALWAYS, dress to impress, set the standards and dress like a slut, bimbo suitable and feminine – on Halloween: Go nuts and combine that with bimbo suitable cosplay! Some words to the trainers and bimbo lovers: Although there are girls who see this whole matter in a more differentiated way (and you can CLEARLY see which girl is the better, far more desirable girl and which one is nothing more than a sad excuse for a feminine being at first glance, if you compare both girls with their statements regarding Halloween sluts…), it relies on you to establish the Halloween slut rule for all girls! This doesn’t only mean that you have to make sure that your girl(s) dresses up properly on Halloween, but also you have to make a public statement with your behavior! DO NOT TALK to girls who ignore the bimbo dresscode or who don’t pay attention to the Halloween slut rule! Pretend that they aren’t even there! Give them NO attention whatsoever – NEVER! Focus yourself on the Halloween sluts and pay them all respect and attention you have to offer! THESE are the girls we want, and if both, bimbo trainees, girls AND bimbo lovers and trainers respect these rules… we will have an awesome Halloween! Happy Halloweeeeeen, you guys!

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