A simple question: Do bimbos have to be blonde? As simple as this question might be – it is being asked A LOT in the online bimbofication community, and the answer couldn’t be more complex. In fact, there are either two possible answers, or another question: SHOULD bimbos be blonde? I took some time to think about this topic and I’m going to show you the results of my cogitation (and some research). First, I’m going to give you one of the two possible answers:
1. Objectively: No, bimbos don’t HAVE to be blonde. Apart from the pretty vague definition of the term “bimbo”, girls participating in bimbofication do have a huge leeway of finding their own definition and are free to become whatever THEY think a bimbo should be or look like. Of course, this doesn’t mean, that these girls are entitled to be regarded as bimbos by everyone else – other bimbos, bimbo lovers, trainers or the whole bimbo community. So, apart from those individual decisions, would it be wise for the bimbo community to only accept blonde girls as bimbos? Difficult, otherwise this would also mean, we couldn’t include absolutely stunning rolemodels and established bimbo queens, like Aletta Ocean (who did try a blonde wig at least), Amy Anderssen (who was blonde at some point), Chloe Mafia, Andrea Cohen and Aysha Soper (ASX), on which I think, we can all agree that they indeed are true bimbo dolls, and would have to exclude them from the fields of bimbofication and from being bimbos. Nobody wants that. However, there is even a solution to this dilemma: One could argue, that those girls are still ongoing in their bimbofication and will become blonde sooner or later at some point in time. As we all know, bimbofication is never finished and is an ever ongoing process of pursuit for perfection and bimbo ideals. This means, that every bimbo will increase her bimbo persona within these ongoing efforts, which means she will become blonde eventually, if we make blonde hair a requirement.
2. Before I will come to the beforementioned question if bimbos SHOULD be blonde, I will give you my personal opinion on this, because it relies on the same reasons why a bimbo should indeed be blonde (apart from my own preference for blonde girls): Yes! I absolutely DO think a bimbo has to be blonde. Furthermore, I think every gimbo has to be blonde too! But why is that? Why should every bimbo and every gimbo doll be blonde? Why is it the perfect haircolor for every girl within this culture? There are many reasons, so let’s get started!
Why every bimbo and every gimbo should be blonde
1. It is part of the traditional, classic stereotype, the original definition of the term “bimbo”, and has become a statement!
“Bimbo (bɪmboʊ) – Word forms: plural bimbos – countable noun – If someone calls a young woman a bimbo, they think that although she is pretty she is rather stupid. This use could cause offence. [informal, disapproval] – Synonyms: Barbie (doll), dumb blonde, airhead, birdbrain” – Collins Dictionary (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/bimbo)
“A stupid, egoistic blonde, usually with big breasts who wears shit loads of make up. she also has lots of friends that look exactly like her. soooo unoriginal.” – Urban Dictionary (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bimbo)
“Bimbo – noun – bim·bo \ˈbim-(ˌ)bō – plural bimbos. Definition of bimbo (Entry 1 of 2): (…) 2. especially : an attractive but stupid woman We didn’t want a blond bimbo in that role … we wanted her to be smart. — Hugh Wilson” – Merriam Webster (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bimbo)
“As of the early 21st century, the “stereotypical bimbo” appearance became that of a brute and stupid, attractive woman, often blond and with a curvaceous figure and large breasts, possibly wearing heavy makeup and revealing clothing. It is also associated with “the dumb blonde” stereotype.” – Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bimbo)
The bimbo trope bases, at least in parts, on the “blonde stereotype“, which claims “Blondes are differently stereotyped from brunettes as more desirable and less intelligent.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blonde_stereotype) and became part of cultural reception in “Les Curiosities de la Foire”, a one-act play from France, 1775, satirizing Rosalie Duthe, a French courtesan who developed a reputation of being beautiful but empty headed and incapable of carrying on a conversation (Pitman 2003), representing the “the original dumb but beautiful blonde” and maybe even the first bimbo prototype. In 1925, this stereotype resurfaced in the form of Lorelei Lee, a fair-haired, young woman searching for a rich husband in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (- Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History, p. 149, “Hair Color”), and was played by bimbo precursor Marilyn Monroe (aspects we already talked about in her rolemodel post) in 1953, in the film version of the novel. Marilyn Monroe, who had a similar reputation she cultivated and benefitted from, like many others, including Judy Holliday, Jayne Mansfield and Goldie Hawn, used these expectations for her advantage. However, Monroe too capitalized on the combination of the just mentioned “dumb blonde stereotype” and another trope, which combined the blond hair with extraordinary feminine beauty and at least remarkably pronounced secondary female sex organs: “The Blonde Bombshell trope“, which was established before by Jean Harlow (who was nicknamed “blonde bombshell”) in 1931 in her movie “Platinum Blonde” and two years later in the film “Bombshell“. Since then, the combination of these two stereotypes was used again and again and again and led to the general understanding of the term “bimbo” we know nowadays, fueled bei famous representatives like Pamela Anderson, Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, Lolo Ferrari, Paris Hilton and many others throughout the last century until today. As you can see, blond hair was a defining factor on from the beginning for the general idea of a bimbo – and therefore holds a warrantable place in the definition of this term. More so, because today, this perception of a bimbo doll has become a proud and bold statement made by girls and women all over the world, in the course of the reclamation of the label “bimbo”: These days, thousands of girls reconquer the former insult, in order to see this idea of a feminine, sexy, blonde, big titted girly girl from a different angle, without the negative connotations and the vituperative overtone! The movie “Legally Blonde” rendered the main character Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) as a very feminine, beautiful and -of course- blonde bimbo-like doll, with an affinity for Barbie, the color pink, feminine fashion and high heels with a likeable character, a heart of gold and a good portion naiveté, simplicity and invigorating girly lightheartedness. This is just one step, but MANY self-proclaimed bimbo dolls bear this label with pride and self-awareness, (like, for example, Alicia Amira) – reclaiming its denotation by staying true to their female identities and their characters and nature. Therefore – girls who “go blonde”, as part of their bimbofication make a statement with their hair color! “I AM A BIMBO! AND I’M PROUD OF IT!” is the message which gets mediated – a message NO other hair color can produce! Set a statement, impart your message, stay with the bimbo definition and be proud of it: GO BLONDE!
2. Cultural understanding of blonde hair is bimbo suitable and adulating
Apart from pop cultural expectations and stereotypical tropes, blonde hair has psychological effects on people all over the world and carries certain perceptions which are very bimbo suitable and benefit every girl way more than any other hair color: Blonde hair color is perceived to be feminine, youthful, naive and obedient. In addition, there are perceived factors like, innocence – simultaneously combined with fun, lightheartedness, exuberance, jollity, promiscuity and “more fun in the bedroom”. Attentive readers will not only notice resemblances with religious depictions of angels, but also with many properties we discovered in our article about the color white. On the other hand, hair colors like brown, black or red carry aspects like “explosive, bad tempered and opinionated traits”, “lower anti-stress hormone levels”, seriousness, melancholy, self-centeredness, self doubt, boredom, inconspicuousness, mood killing graveness and down-to-earthness. Who wants that? It is no wonder, that many properties of the color white, do apply for blonde hair color – and this might be supported by natural facts, like the circumstance, that young children and very little girls often do have blonde hair, before a final, natural hair color settles, reinforcing the impression of the connection between blonde hair and youngness, purity and healthiness. All these traits do correspond with the bimbo definition and bimbofication ideals! Of course it is very important for a bimbo doll to be perceived in these ways, but there is even a personal benefit in these psychological expectations, known as autosuggestion. While society is primed to suppose the presence of these character traits in a blonde girl, no bimbo doll is free from these expectations either! A girl who is dyeing her hair to become a blonde as a part of her bimbofication, will automatically and unconsciously project these properties on herself, which results in a self-fulfilling prophecy via autosuggestion, spawning all these positive aspects in her own character, benefitting her relentlessly. A girl who became a blonde, will feel better, more girly, more positive, younger, more frolicsome, healthier, sexier, more glamorous and more lighthearted, which will strengthen her bimbo persona and her natural self and will also rub off on her surroundings and the people she interacts with. This is a scientific proven fact:
“When women dye their hair lighter, they have been proven to go out more (3 nights/week for blondes versus 2 for brunettes) and to feel more confident and youthful.” – https://www.cosmeticsocialmedia.com/2011/scientific-differences-facts-blondes-brunettes/
So, as you can see, like Rod Steward claimed: Blondes DO have more fun!
3. Gentlemen DO prefer blondes!
What everyone expected, is scientifically proven: Men DO prefer blonde girls and women. Full stop. There is no way around that and there is no use in arguing about that. Accept it. Yes – it is like that all over the world – yes – nearly all through human history. This assumption basically got confirmed by the Journal of Social Psychology as well as by an exciting self-experiment, executed by female journalist Emily Shackleton for Metro, in which she used tinder and a blonde wig to figure out if she could arouse more interest as a brunette or a blonde. In the end of that experiment, she resignedly declares:
“The difference was unbelievably obvious and it was immediate. It was actually a bit depressing. (…) But, it has to be said, I was having a lot of fun being blonde. (…) And the winner… Was undeniably blonde me. Without a shadow of a doubt…” – Emily Shackleton, for Metro (https://metro.co.uk/2016/02/18/blonde-vs-brunette-i-found-out-what-men-really-prefer-on-tinder-5687107/)
Blonde girls are approached by men as often as all other hair colors COMBINED! But it is not only a proven fact, that blonde girls are way more often engaged by men – it is also secured that most men do simply find blonde girls more attractive than every other hair color (22% more to be exact). What Marilyn Monroe already knew in 1953 when she starred in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” is scientifically proven again and again, over and over. If you are interested in the details of that, you may want to have a look at the books “The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption” and “The Consuming Instinct, What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature“, by author and psychologist Ph.D Gad Saad, who also found out that blondes are nearly always preferred by men, as well as the beforementioned book “The Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History“. For this short article, it is enough to say that all the beforementioned factors do play an important role in the preference of men towards blonde women – as well as the fact, that only less than 10% of women world wide are natural blondes. Blonde hair doesn’t only resemble gold in its appearance, it is also similarly rare. Rare things are considered valuable, desirable and precious – so in combination with all the beforementioned properties, and other factors, it is no wonder that… Gentlemen DO prefer blondes – vastly!
4. You look better blonde. Seriously. Yes – I am sure. Trust me
If you are a bimbo-curious girl, by now, you are very likely to have thought about the idea of becoming blonde. Uuuuhh, that’s a bingo! And yes – you should. Wait a second… you are one of those girls thinking something like “no, blonde hair doesn’t fit me”, “blonde hair looks stupid on me”, “I once tried a blonde wig and it didn’t look good”, “Everyone says I wouldn’t look good with blonde hair”, “I don’t think it would suit me” and yadda, yadda like that, aren’t you? Well – to be quite honest with you: That’s bullshit 🙂
The vast majority of girls simply looks better with blonde hair. It is as simple as that. The above mentioned experiment shows you that, even if just some cheap wig was used for it. We are NOT talking about “yeah, like 60% – 70% of all girls wordwide would look better with blonde hair” – NO, we are talking more about something like 99,99% of ALL girls and women look better with blonde hair! You are NOT that special exception that looks better as a brunette or a redhead or a black haired girl. Just NO! All those studies, all those facts and personal experiences say something different. The symptoms you have are easy to explain: You are either afraid of committing yourself to everything you perceive a bimbo or just a blonde to be, and/or you are afraid of trying something new, accustomed to your natural hair color as you are – or just too lazy. Do yourself a favor and just face these possibilities. Scrutinize yourself! Maybe you already tried a wig – didn’t it look better? C’mon, be honest with yourself… you DID think something like “ohhhhhwell….yeah…I’m looking kinda hot”, didn’t you? There is nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to admit it to me – just admit it to yourself. If that wig didn’t look good – well, please always remember: Wigs will never look as good as your real hair, especially it that wig was rather cheap – just keep that in mind. Or maybe you have some friends, who told you “Naaah, don’t go blonde, you are beautiful as you are” or “No! Blonde hair would look really stupid on you!” – well, as much as you might love those people – they are dishonest and they are lying. Simple as that. If those people are other girls, well, it is a scientific proven fact that, no matter how much you like each other – every girl ever is always subconsciously engaged in rivalry and competition with every other girl, which expresses itself in this case with envy (regarding you courage to try something new and evolve yourself, leaving behind the person you are), control addiction and habit (“I know her like she is, that – I can control!”) and panic your new persona might just outgrow and rise above her. Maybe she knows you for years, with all your lumps and bumps – do you really think she would approve of you, becoming an admired, feminine, blonde attention drawer? I don’t think so – much as I’d like to…
If that person is a guy – that’s even worse. You know what kind of guy says something like “No, don’t do that – just be natural – you are beautiful like you are!”? The same kind that assures you to NOT wear make up (“because you are way more beautiful without it” *vomit*). LIARS! Beta male little minds, deceivers, bootlickers, insecure sycophants, whiteknighting like crazy in order to be in your favor, in order to establish themselves as good guys, worthy of your attention, buttering you up, blowing sugar in your ass, to make you feel good when they are around you… RISE ABOVE THEM! Don’t let them hold you back! Those creatures try to keep you down because they absolutely panic thinking about you outgrowing them. Everybody who is honest with you – will admit you look gorgeous with that blonde hair – and this will be the truth.
5. Most bimbos are blonde. Fact
While the majority of pornstars isn’t blonde (32,7%), just outstripped by brown hair (39,1%), the majority of bimbo dolls is in fact blonde! We’re missing some serious statistics here, but alone on my site, only 10,87% are not blonde (the dark haired rolemodels mentioned above, out of 46 bimbo rolemodels, minus the “gimbo rolemodels”!) – and this is quite telling and can serve as an estimate for the bimbo community in general. Of course, the reasons fot this can be found in all the above mentioned aspects, but it bears a very special conclusion: If you want to be a bimbo and be perceived as one – you should go blonde. The bimbo community is way more likely to accept your bimbo persona if you have blonde hair, and you are simultaneously joining the very exquisite club of the girls we all admire around the globe – a sacred sisterhood and a solidarity of sworn in female comrades. You can learn about the benefits of this connection in our series about BBFs – Best Bimbo Friends – and there are MANY! Join them – go blonde, so many rolemodels can not be wrong (and most of them are no natural blondes – they all made the steps to become blonde bimbo dolls intentionally! Not without a reason!)!
6. With less than 10% natural blondes in the world – being blonde can be considered one thing: Fake!
We already talked this in our article about “The necessity of plastic” – and even if we are not talking about tits today, the main arguments remain the same: Similar to getting breast implants, the step of dyeing your hair to become a blonde is one of the ceremonial acts of becoming a bimbo. We already stated, that this can be seen as a statement – and this is true – but there is much more to it. Most likely you aren’t a natural blonde – so becoming one is one of the bimbofication related changes you are making artificially and deliberately. Breast implants are the plastic augmentation of your body, the “fakeness” you are trying to implement, artificial enhancements to achieve “plastic perfection” and dyeing your hair blonde is exactly that: A fake and artificial eradication of a given, natural state you are deliberately superseding with something YOU chose – and not nature. The image of your bimbo persona, a body you modeled according to your will is completed in its “fake”, plastic perfection by also a “fake” hair color. This is only fitting, logical and complements the rest of your appeal.
7. Life is easier as a blonde
We gathered MANY different reasons why you should go blonde and we discovered many ways in which blondes do benefit from their hair color, but there are even more, maybe even mundane reasons that don’t have something to do with bimbofication – so we will talk about them really briefly: Studies found that blonde girls are treated more nicely, friendly and kindly, that blondes receive higher payments (in certain situations) and that blonde waitresses get higher tips – along with many other benefits. I can personally confirm this: I always treat blonde girls way nicer than any other girl and yes – I also give a way higher tips to blonde girls. So there’s that.
8. Yes – Gimbos and goth girls should be blonde too
Did you see that picture of Starfucked above, trying a blonde wig? Doesn’t she look absolutely gorgeous? Do you know gimbo rolemodel Sambalina Roselli, the current queen of the gimbo idea? Well, yes, gimbos and goth girls should have blonde hair too – exactly because of the same reasons we talked about above, why should there be differences for goth girls? And more so for gimbos? I actually talked about this mindset in one of my articles – be sure to read that now! But there is even more: Because of the sub cultural custom in the gothic community to wear black or at least dark hair, the statement of blonde hair becomes even broader and more powerful! YOU are swimming against the stream, YOU are making a bold statement and you are transmitting a message, encapsulating your persona, mindset and your ideology, with a far more powerful impact in that community than everywhere else! By that, you are even more attention drawing, even more standing out and even more unique than in every other community there is. In a club full of mediocre, unoriginal and similarly dark haired plonkers, YOU are the radiant, unique princess of the night! Another interesting phenomenon we will talk about in a future article within the bimbo color theory, is the effect of contrast, which is tremendously mighty with blonde gothdolls: The dark dresscode and the general expectation regarding black haired goth girls creates a mindblowing tension if a gimbo shows up with blonde hair, resembling the exact opposite of what one would expect. This successfull assembly of antagonisms is exactly what creates this high level of tension. The appeal, the contrast, the uniqueness and the tension combined generate a huge level of sex appeal, which simply can’t be reached by “normal goth girls” with red or black hair. So, if you a re a goth girl, take this whole article, think about it (maybe wait for the color theory article about contrasts)…. and consider going blonde. Trust me – it will be woth it!
9. What does the bimbofication community think?
So, to summarize: I personally, and many other think, yes bimbos have to be blond, objectively, they don’t have to, but evidently they should be. Easy enough? I started a poll on twitter, asking if bimbos have to be blonde, should be blonde, if blonde hair is just better – or – if it’s just an option. The results speak for themselves with 22% saying “Bimbos HAVE to be blonde!”, 11% “Bimbos should be blonde!”, 28% “Blonde is just better!” and 39% “No, it’s optional” – which means that 61% do think, in one form or another, that bimbos look better with blonde hair in principle. If I would have asked “What hair color do you prefer?” – imagine how huge the difference would have been then – by keeping in mind, that the “optional”-option in my actual poll represented only the freedom of choice for bimbos regarding their hair color – and NOT the actual preference. Last but not least, let us have a look at some of the statements I received from the bimbo community regarding my question “whether bimbos should be blonde or not”, more specifically, statements from some real bimbos in training:
“Don’t have to be blonde no, but personally I think it’s better. I’m blonde myself and it helps with the stereotype I guess. It helps you slip into that mindset easier in a way, if that makes sense. Just my opinion”
“For me it psychologically made me feel MUCH more bimbo, as soon as I went blonde I was more flirty and slutty and happy to live up to the dumb blonde stereotype. I tried brunette again and instantly boring. Some Bimbos are hot brunettes although I would love to see them blonde!“
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I know you advise against unnatural hair colors for bimbos and gimbos, but for me personally, a head full of bright hair (blonde or other unnatural colors) screams that they fit two crucial bimbo components: clearly fake, and seeking attention. Long firetruck red hair is an instant attention grabber. Same with hot pink. Light pink is close to blonde and appears very feminine. There’s also a trend of dying the two front hair strips a different color than the rest of your hair, which is associated with “egirl” culture (again, attention grabbing). There ARE bad choices though (like green, some blues, or neon yellow). Just my personal opinion. Blonde is still preferred, but I don’t think unnatural hair colors should immediately be disqualified.