11. The perfect bimbo tits – Induced lactation

We’re going to approach a very special and specific topic here, a niche, if you will, but nevertheless tied to the topic of big boobs and with quite some arguments to make, regarding how this can be connected to the perfect bimbo tits.

1. What is induced lactation

“Induced lactation” is the process of purposefully stimulating the milk-production of the female breast without a preceding pregnancy, which can be achieved (no, this is not a myth) with different techniques, strategies and items. Usually this is done by women who adopted a very young child that still needs breastfeeding, or by foster mothers, who are recruited by prospective mothers who can’t breastfeed their child on their own due to different reasons. However, apart from these very comprehensible exploitations, there was always a myth of grown-ups drinking the milk from the breasts of a woman throughout the centuries:

Roman author Valerius Maximus handed down a tale in 30 A.D. in his collection of writings called “Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri”, about an imprisoned father, whose daughter is the only person allowed to visit him in his cell, but without bringing him anything to eat. After the daughter was searched for anything eatable, she used to nurture her father by breastfeeding him in order to prevent his starvation death – and succeeded. This story might be even far older, known to the greeks in the antiquity by the name of “Cimon and Pero” or “Tectaphus and Eerie”, with similar stories widespread over the Orient and even China. Christianity has known many representations of the Blessed Virgin Mary, breastfeeding adults in need, back through the ages, of course always with a focus on the caritative aspect of the process, rather than the sexual one. The first cultural-religious mentioning of sexual aspects can be seen in ancient Daoism, where practitioners were encouraged to drink the milk of a female while having sex with her, in order to strengthen ones Chi. It is fairly safe to assume, that sexual facets of lactating girls have played a role in the history of humanity since the dawn of time until now, when in 1930 a science institute in Vienna released comments about “breastfeeding practices in lesbian relationships” for the first time. In 2005 a British study resulted in the fact, that about 33% of men had drunk milk from their wives breasts. In 2007, a German study was released, stating that about 70% of grown-up men, 60% of heterosexual women and nearly 80% of lesbian women mentioned that they would like to either drink milk from their female partner, or breastfeed their male (or female, lesbian) partner.

However, these statistics and historic facts are just here to prepare a scientific base for the connection between sex and lactating women, without the special topics of breastfeeding or drinking milk! The process of “what to do with it” doesn’t play such a big role for us, because we are here to talk about the lactation itself, its use in terms of bimbofication and the sexual connection, not compulsively about breastfeeding, drinking or what have you. With these facts in mind, it is not suprising to see, that lactating girls made a furtive impact on pop-culture, most obviously in different, not even so special or closely-related, anime or hentai productions. It is not uncommon to see paintings and animated pieces, which feature one or more young girls (often with very big tits) involved in sexual acts, with them lactating, and shooting milk all over the place, especially when they orgasm (Example pictures above – altough I really don’t like featuring fictional stuff, drawings and so on, in order to illustrate the pop-cultural impact I make an exception here.). But why is that such a heavily sexually connotated topic? The reasons for this are the same why this whole topic is indeed relevant for bimbos. Let’s have a look:

2. Why it is relevant for bimbos

We already stated that girls with big tits are sexually more attractive to most men – hell, that’s even what’s the biggest part of bimbofication is all about! Young girls with perfect bodies and giant, bulging tits! But did you ever ask yourself “why?”? Of course, we already found out, that big tits play a big role when it comes to the perceived femininity of a girl, the bigger – the more feminine – the more attractive and sexy. But why? Most likely you’re not going to like the second part of the answer, but apart from tits being the secondary sexual attributes of a girl, therefore having a very distinct role when it comes to the perceived femininity and the choice of sex partners, tits still have their primary function and their whole sense and purpose: Producing milk! This might very well be the primary reason WHY men do love big tits at all: Big tits signal not only pronounced femininity, they do indicate a healthy body, operative organs, sexual maturity and – of course –  the ability to produce enough nourishment in the form of milk for many descendants, which is an indicator for high fertility and increases the chance to spread a mans DNA and get his offsprings fed and well prepared to survive. That doesn’t sound sexy at all, does it? Well, yes – but that could be the substantial answer to the question why men do love big tits so much (in addition to all the other reasons we already found).

The process of lactating itself gains in significance when viewed in connection to the controversal theory of “penis envy”, formulated by Prof.Dr. Sigmund Freud. Often, the fact of women being able to “squirt” (something we will cover in the future) has been treated as an equal form of orgasm in comparison to a man ejaculating – no matter if it is still debatable what exactly happens when a woman does that. Major point of many “squirting-advocates” is, that like a man, a woman is able to eject body-fluids from her sexual organs when she orgasms in a convulsive manner, very similar to a male orgasm, representing a form of explosive pressure release. With this idea in mind, have a look at the pop-cultural representation of erotic lactation, for example in the beforementioned animes and hentais: Featured girls seem to convulsively erupt milk from their big tits, in the exact moment when they seem to orgasm, or increase the ejection of milk in the same amount their sexual arousal ascends. The parallels are undoubtably there. Of course, evaluating the behaviour of fictional characters in fantasy-stories doesn’t say anything about reality – in this case, the behaviour of real girls – but it does say a lot about the creators and the audience of those media-products! Men seem to love the idea of girls, shooting liquid from their big tits in the moment or sexual orgasms, or the increased amount of produced liquids when they are sexually aroused, either from their pussies or from their tits, indicating that they are indeed sexually aroused and ready to be fucked. That alone, the love of men and the sexual value for them, should be reason enough for a bimbo to have a look at these techniques, but what about the girls? Are there more reasons, apart from the dreams of men, the symbolism of femininity and sexual heights? What’s the benefit for the bimbo, apart from that? Can ejecting liquids while orgasm be a form of empowerment for females? Maybe. But what about the sexual benefits?

Alone, about 40% (!) of women, did mention, that they have been sexual aroused just by breastfeeding their babies – even though this is not a sexual act in itself! The sheer practice of lactating and ejecting milk from their tits, creates sexual tension in girls. This can be used to increase the impact and the sexual force when having sex – very much like shown in the beforementioned hentai-productions! It is scientifically proven, that sexual arousement does in fact trigger the milk ejection reflex (when she was pregnant, for example). So the connections and the benefits are there! This may be even far more common than you would expect, with the sexual use of lactation, “erotic lactation” being subject of many different sexual playstyles. While there are many playstyles we definitely won’t cover, like “age-play”, “Adult Nursing Relationship (ANR)” and several BDSM uses, because they have absolutely NOTHING to do with bimbofication (and are quite strange instead), there indeed are some playstyles very compatible to bimbofication and quite useful in sexual terms, like cow-play, which we will have a look on, when we cover the topic of “bimbo cosplay”. Another very, very, VERY positive effect is the swelling of your tits, letting them become even bigger and even more fuller and more bulging! This is VERY desirable for a bimbo doll, supporting her (hopefully) already enhanced tits, and the treatments to let them become even bigger. This alone is a big argument for the whole matter, but summarized, there are many reasons for a bimbo to discover induced lactation and many reasons to achieve it: Increased sexual pleasure, symbolism of femininity, pleasing the dreams of men, sexual empowerment, different sexual playstyles, creating additional reasons to play with her big tits, the bold exaggeration of her sexual pleasure and orgasms (like featured in the beforementioned media-products) and even bigger, more bulging tits! So – go for it! You can see “bimbo” Penelope BlackDiamond performing what we were talking about, as an example above! – So, yes, it does work with “plastic tits” too!

3. How to

ATTENTION: Before you give induced lactation a try – have a talk with your doctor!

There are quite some different ways to achieve induced lactations, all of them being elaborate and time-consuming – but we already stated, that being a bimbo is a matter of total dedication. So let’s have a look at those different ways:

1. Hormone therapy and medication

This is the way to play it safe. After you had a talk with your doctor, he might prescribe estrogen or progesterone, in order to mimic the effects of pregnany on your body. After 6 – 9 months, the effects will become obvious. Here is the deal: Although this might be the easiest way to achieve induced lactation, I am NOT a fan of messing around with your body-hormones if you don’t have to! Especially if the desired results can be achieved with other methods, so, sorry, no advise here.

2. Breast pumps

This is something you should try. Using a breast pump about three times a day for just five minutes early on, and later for even 15 to 20 minutes will not only awake sexual pleasure, but it will stimulate the hormone prolactin, which is solely responsible to let your tits produce milk. Look out for breast pumps on the internet with outstanding ratings!

3. Stimulate your milk-ejection reflex with special massages

This is very similar to the massage-techniques we talked about in our article about “how to increase the tits of a bimbo in a natural way”, but with some vital differences! Have a look at the paper above to see how this can be accomplished! Practice these massage techniques IN ADDITION to the ones we talked about in the said post!

4. Adjust your nourishment

There are some food products which are said to support the process of letting your tits produce milk, altough this is not sufficiently proven in a scientific way. However, in combination with a mandatory diet plan to perfect and enhance your body, those items might be a good addition! Have a look at the paper above to see how you can modify your diet plan!

The general advise is to perform options 2, 3 and 4 simultaneously and continuously until the desired results appear. This may take up to 9 months! Integrate all those procedures in your daily life and your diet plan, don’t be lazy and show the needed dedication it takes to become a perfect bimbo doll!

For more information, visit the “Lactation.wiki”!

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3 thoughts on “11. The perfect bimbo tits – Induced lactation

    1. It’s not there yet. It will come soon as part of the bimbo cosplay series…. Just wait for it 🙂

  1. Induced lactation is a process where women can stimulate their body’s natural hormones that trigger milk production without being pregnant. It has various strategies and items available on market, which help to achieve effectively for sexual pleasure or even bigger tits!

    If you are looking to explore the world of induced milk production or simply want some additional resources related to it, then check out The Lactation Wiki website (Lactation.Wiki) dedicated specifically towards this topic! It provides comprehensive articles with detailed explanations on how induce lactation works and various techniques for stimulating your body’s natural hormones that trigger the process of breastfeeding without a preceding pregnancy.

    Additionally, if you are in Houston Texas area then we recommend checking out the adult breastfeeding website (ANRHouston.com) which provides regular events related to induced lactation where individuals can learn more about this fascinating topic while also experiencing the sensations associated with nursling on someone’s breasts!

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