3. The PBA guide to the perfect bimbo tits – The necessity of plastic

Absolutely nothing – by far – has a stronger connection to the term bimbo than “plastic tits”, not even long, blonde hair, not even high heels – simply nothing else. “Plastic tits” is a collective term for big, surgically enhanced breasts, filled with artificial implants, typically made of silicone or saline fillings, creating that distinct “fake tits” look every bimbo should have and that seems so important in the whole bimbo commnity and sub culture. Having a pair of big, enhanced silicone or saline enhanced boobs, is somewhat mandatory and compulsive for a bimbo doll and goes hand in hand with the very definition of the term bimbo for most people in the community and even the general public. This leads to a situation in which that certain body modification is percepted not only as the often most visible change in the course of a bimbofication, but as the crucial keypoint during the transformation of a normal girl to her new bimbo persona. “Not every girl who gets a breast surgery is a bimbo, but every bimbo gets a breast surgery” might seem like a bold claim, but it is surely a statement which can’t be refuted or disproven easily, or can you think of a fairly well known, reowned bimbo without some enhanced tits? Visit some of the common online places for bimbo lovers and meeting points for the bimbo community, or just google the term “bimbo” and look at the pictures – it is very unlikely for you to see girls without “plastic tits”. Likewise, nearly every single male who admits his love for bimbo girls, will tell you about his love for silicone tits too (there are exceptions, of course). Like I said, “bimbos” and “silicone tits” go hand in hand – no matter which perspective you try to take. In our series about “the perfect bimbo tits”, we look at many different aspects of the female secondary sexual characteristics, like we already did, but this time, we talk about implants in general, in order to prepare more distinct articles about certain and special kinds and types of implants, and in a comparative way towards natural tits, and why “plastic” is the way to go for a bimbo. In order to get things right, we have to have a short look at the history of implants and breast surgery in general, before we deal with the history of the various types of implants in the future posts of this series.

The history

Breast enlargement is the second most popular form of cosmetic surgery worldwide. More than 1.5 million women underwent the procedure in 2010. Although today, the major part of breast enhancements is done with saline- or silicone implants, the history of breast enlargement shows us, that for decades, women used uncountable types of “implants” to get bigger breasts, or looked out for different other procedures to enhance their bust size. For ages, woman used dubious techniques and shady serums and tinctures, like in the 19th century, when it was a common believe, that corsets prevented breasts from growing, or used harmful practices, like affixing large suction cups to their breasts (like todays breast pumps… maybe it didn’t change that much… we will talk about those in the near future) and even before that, used substances like scorpion venom and other dangerous liquids and herbs because of a swelling effect. The first breast implant surgery however, was done 1895 in Germany (yay! Take that Essex!) by Dr. Vincent Czerny, who took fat from a females patient’s hip, and implanted it into her breast. This was done as part of a reconstruction process, after a tumor was removed from the patients breast. So, the first breast surgery wasn’t done because of enlargement or beauty enhancement, but as part of a body reconstruction due to a previous, vital surgery. The injection of body fat is another way of getting bigger tits, a procedure that is very popular in asian countries, for example in Japan, and will play a role in our future article about special kinds of implants. The first known substance injected into breasts just to make them bigger, was, shockingly, paraffin in the 1890s. This material, made of petroleum, usually needed to produce candles, was mixed with olive oil and vaseline, and injected into the upper body part of a miserable female, often leading to horrible deformations, total blindness or even death (of completeness: Men used to inject this into their penis to gain size – with the same “side effects”). Between 1915 and 1950, many different implant materials were used, like ivory, glass, silk, rubber and even teflon, often causing infections and major injuries. After all these years, in 1962 the first silicon breast enlargement was done and tested on a dog, and after that, the first human female with silicone breast implants was Texan girl Jean Lindsey, who still had her implants back in 2015 in the age of 83. After that, silicone implants became a global phenomenon and started their triumphal march all over the world. There are even urban legends and myths, regarding an assumption, bimbo rolemodel Marilyn Monroe, might have had breast implants herself. The late 70s, 80s and 90s were not only the golden age of the porn industry, but the golden age of big, fake, enhanced tits too! Many of our famous bimbo rolemodels did start their career during that age, got their boobs enhanced in those years, and still mark the golden standard of bimbo bust measurement today (example 1, 2, 3 and 4)! After years of studying, in 2006 the FDA gave green light for silicone gel-filled implants, a turning point, leaving those and saline implants as the two major and most important choices for modern breast implant surgery.

The “plastic”in bimbo

We already talked about the general importance of tits, and more important yet, big tits, when it comes to perfect bimbo dolls, in the introduction to this series. To recap this, remind yourself of the different aspects we talked about: Tits, as the definitve secondary female sexual attribute, are a feature that conveys an imagination of femininity in most men. Big tits are a sign of pronounced femininity and great sexual appeal, and are very likely to wake sexual desire in most men.This is one of the reasons, why big tits are of such importance for bimbo girls, because everything is about being as feminine, sexy and appealing as possible. But why do play big natural tits such a little role in the bimbo lifestyle and community? We talked about the benefits of big naturals, but also noticed how small the interest in that topic is when it comes to bimbo lovers and the bimbo dolls themselves. Of course, one major reason might be the general proportions and common body shapes most girls with big natural boobs have, but there is more to it:

1. Big natural tits follow the rules of gravity, while fake tits don’t and defy Newton. Well, not really, but it kinda seems like it. Natural tits tend to hang once a girl leaves her teen years behind her, and often become saggy and limp. It is no wonder, that firm, bulging, standing and blazing tits are a sign of youth and healthiness, increasing the sex appeal and attractiveness dramatically and in a sheer unbelievable amount! Enhanced tits look like the ideal girls breasts and can be esthetically flawless in a way which is impossible to reach for natural tits.

2. Fake tits are just bigger. It’s as simple as that. Yes – there are big natural tits out there. And even if the body shape of the girl who has them is pristine and perfect, and even if those natural tits don’t hang and are standing, they are very unlikely to be as big as some enhanced silicone boobs. We already discussed how important the size of tits is and what it signals and communicates to an observer. Even bigger tits communicate more sex appeal, more femininity and more sexual openness.

3. Big, fake tits are a statement. A girl who has had her breast enhanced DOES care about her femininty, her sex appeal and her attractiveness. She thinks about her beauty and what others do think about her appeal. She is well aware of the sexual arousal big tits create and does want that ability for herself. She wants to increase her feminine and erotic charisma and she wants to be noticed as a sexy and feminine woman. A basic attitude absolutely necessary for a true bimbo doll and a perfect mentality for every girl in general. This doll signals and messages sexual openness and is willing to undergo complicated surgical procedures just to achieve that level of perfection and just to get her pair of fantastic, big, fake tits! Just think about how important her body and her sexual appearance must be to her! Perfect bimbo material!

4. The bimbofication. As already stated above, getting a pair of big, fake, silicone or saline tits, is often regarded as the most importand and major step for a girl in her bimbofication. “There is no turning back now!” This is most often a transformation which can’t be reversed so easily and therefore marks the point of no return for a young trainee, showing her dedication and willingness to be perceived as a true “bimbo fuck doll”. This change can’t be covered up in a way other aspects of a bimbo doll can be hidden: A roleplaying wannabe bimbo can always chose to wear no make up, flat shoes, pants or even put her hair clips aside. A girl who doesn’t dare to dedicate herself, won’t take the step and get some big, fake tits! She will continue to cosplay a bimbo doll for her boyfriend in their private bedroom and never has to come clean with it. Trainees who are serious and get their tits enhanced, can’t easily hide those, even if they wanted to – something a true bimbo would never do. This most visible part of her transformation is a true statement and a brave and proud sign for her bimbofication, therefore it is considered as the most vital and crucial part of the overall process.

5. “Life in plastic – it’s fantastic!”. The “artificial nature” of surgically enhanced tits, silicone or saline implants plays a very important role in the bimbofication process and the bimbo lifestyle in general. Barbie, as the plastic, idealized, perfect woman, created a whole movement in the bimbo community: It is all about plastic perfection, artificial beauty and sexual enhancement! There are many girls in the bimbo community, declaring to strive for a preferred, artificial, plastic look, marking a departure from societies propagated “ideal of natural beauty” and the curse of living with what cruel nature has endowed them with. We are living in modern times, not only is it absolutely unnecessary for a girl to accept her body imperfections, but she can embrace the ideals she ever dreamed of! Every girl can become a pristine, perfect bimbo doll! And not only that! We embrace the possibility of human achievements, the power and might of modern technology, to create female ideals which are far more supreme, perfect and pristine “crafted” than everything nature comes up with! Plastic is the epitome and paragon of the bimbo paradigm, an embodiment for the pinnacle of feminine perfection and the artificial aesthetics of the ideal bimbo doll!

These are the main reasons, why “plastic tits” are absolutely mandatory for a true bimbo doll. As I already said, there are many reasons for every bimbo trainee to follow the rules of treating big natural tits, and there are some benefits of having big naturals, but getting implants is more or less inevitable. If a bimbo already has some implants, there is no reason for her not to try to increase the amount of “natural mass” – in the best case, the size of the boobs will increase and their appeal will be softer. Make sure to respect the basic rule regarding the size of a bimbos tits, at least! In the next posts of this series, we will look at different implants, different possibilities to let your tits appear even bigger, different clothes and different techniques to work with them. Until then: Cya next time!

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4 thoughts on “3. The PBA guide to the perfect bimbo tits – The necessity of plastic

  1. I really need breast implants because i feel like a girl and want to be girly can some one please help me i will do what u want forever

  2. I want to try out the ‘fake boobs’ look before I get surgery just to see if I like it and if I’d want to keep it. Is there a way to recreate the look before making it permanent?

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